Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome to Kindness Project 2010!

The Tolland Kindness Week is officially started! Feel free to post your acts of kindness on our comments!

At Birch Grove and Tolland Intermediate School all students were shown a presentation on how to be kind. The students had many ideas of their own. At Birch Grove we posted their ideas in the gym -- all 700 of them!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Getting ready for Kindness Week 2010!

Spring brings sunshine, fresh air, and high spirits into our school. I decided to decorate the music hallway with some colorful thoughts of how we can make a beautiful day for others. The posters were colored by Tolland student in November 2009.

All of the students are learning "Oh, What a Day!", a song that talks about making a beautiful day for someone. We'll be focusing on kindness during April 19-23, followed by the official Kindness Week during April 26-30!

This year's Kindness Week will be kicked off by a special event -- Family Folk Dances on Friday, April 23rd. CT caller Jim Gregory will be calling the dances and Wild Notes will be playing.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reminder article

The Kindness Project was at the Tolland PTO Night of Giving. I had the students working on posters that depicted the 26 acts of Kindness. We'll be hanging them around Birch Grove and TIS soon. Hopefully the posters will be a good reminder for the students to think of others.

While I was there, I got to talk to one of the Reminders reporters. Martha was very nice to include a little information about our project. Here it is on the web (with a picture of me!):

If you read the Reminder article and are interested in helping out with the Kindness Project, please leave a comment or email me at . Thanks!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

100 Wishes Quilt

During Children's Day (a PTO run event at our school) I sponsored a table to help make 100 wishes quilts. Families adopting children from China often follow a Chinese tradition in collecting quilt squares and wishes for the child. I found four families in the process of adopting children and we wrote wishes for them!

Each child who came to my table picked out a fabric and wrote a note to the families. I asked the students (and some adults) to write what they would wish for someone to have in their lives... many wrote about things that they loved, like music, dance, or friends. We finished 60 cards -- 15 for each family.

I have heard back from some of the adoptive families and they loved all the wishes. Here is one of the families websites:

Here are some pictures of the cards we collected...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pictures from the week of Kindness

This is what 1700 acts of Kindness look like!