Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reminder article

The Kindness Project was at the Tolland PTO Night of Giving. I had the students working on posters that depicted the 26 acts of Kindness. We'll be hanging them around Birch Grove and TIS soon. Hopefully the posters will be a good reminder for the students to think of others.

While I was there, I got to talk to one of the Reminders reporters. Martha was very nice to include a little information about our project. Here it is on the web (with a picture of me!): http://www.remindernews.com/node/7/&town=vernon&url=VERN-2009-12-01-14-Ar01400

If you read the Reminder article and are interested in helping out with the Kindness Project, please leave a comment or email me at kadams@tolland.k12.ct.us . Thanks!

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